


What is ClariVein®?

ClariVein® is an innovative minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. It uses a specially designed, long, thin, flexible tube known as a catheter with a rotating tip on the end. When inserted into the diseased vein, this tip mechanically destroys the vein, preventing it from carrying blood. This catheter also delivers a chemical solution known as a sclerosing agent, which irritates the vein further. 

Together, these two techniques ensure that the diseased vein does not receive any oxygen or nutrients from blood, causing it to collapse. Your body eventually absorbs the treated vein, improving its appearance. ClariVein is a preferred treatment for small, medium, or large varicose veins. If you are living with leg pain, cramping, heaviness, or other uncomfortable varicose vein symptoms, you are the ideal candidate for this treatment.

How Does ClariVein Work?

ClariVein is a mechanochemical ablation (MOCA) device that combines the mechanical destruction of a vein with a chemical agent. The ClariVein catheter is nearly three times thinner than the catheters used for endovenous laser ablation and radiofrequency ablation (ClosureFAST), requiring only one small incision. 

The rotating tip of the ClariVein catheter contains a wire that spins at 3500 rotations per minute (RPM). The tip travels inside the diseased vein and spins rapidly to create scar tissue along the vein walls. At the same time, the catheter also dispenses a chemical solution typically used in sclerotherapy. The chemical irritates the vein, causing it to swell. Over time, this swelling blocks blood flow, preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching the vein. It eventually collapses in on itself and is covered in scar tissue, and will be absorbed by your body. 

While sclerotherapy is an effective technique used to treat much smaller spider veins, it is not the most effective treatment for larger varicose veins. However, the combination of mechanical destruction plus a chemical agent creates enough irritation, closing the diseased vein off permanently. 

ClariVein is primarily used to treat varicose veins in the large veins that run along the back of the legs. The great saphenous vein (GSV) runs from your foot all the way up to the top of your thigh. The small saphenous vein (SSV) runs from the top of your foot to the back of your knee. Varicose veins are typically caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a vein disease that occurs when the one-way valves in the leg veins are damaged. This causes blood to flow backward into the feet and legs, causing it to pool. This puts added pressure on the veins, which can begin to bulge underneath the skin.

ClariVein Is Safe and Treats Varicose Veins in the Long-Term

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ClariVein in 2008 for treating varicose veins. Multiple clinical studies comparing ClariVein to other treatment techniques have found that it is very successful, with more than 90 percent of patients seeing improvements in their symptoms. One study performed in the United Kingdom found that out of 393 patients, only 13 (3.3 percent) needed a second treatment after eight weeks. 

While existing data show that ClariVein is safe and effective, there are not yet enough studies following patients over the long term. We do not currently know the impact of treatment after many years. As more data become available, doctors and vein specialists will learn more about how patients benefit from ClariVein and what changes may be made to further improve the procedure.

ClariVein also has some added advantages. It does not use heat or lasers to irritate blood vessels. As a result, the procedure does not require tumescent anesthesia, which is required for other methods that generate heat. This means fewer needle sticks during the procedure. There is also less risk of bruising, skin damage, and nerve damage with ClariVein compared to other minimally invasive treatment options.

Why Choose a Minimally Invasive Treatment?

Minimally invasive treatments are often the first choice for treating varicose veins and spider veins. At Varicose and Spider Veins Treatment Institute, we offer a variety of options to enhance your skin’s appearance and improve your vein health. Our vein specialists are board-certified and trained in state-of-the-art varicose vein and spider vein treatments. 

There are several benefits to ClariVein, including:

  • Quick recovery period with little to no downtime
  • Very little pain and discomfort during the procedure
  • Does not require extra anesthetic in the vein (typically required for other internal ablation procedures)
  • Little to no bruising during recovery

The Day of Your Appointment

On the morning of your appointment, do not shave your legs or apply any lotions or creams. We recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing or bringing shorts to wear during the procedure. Plan on arriving 15 minutes early to check in and complete any additional paperwork. 

You will then be brought to the procedure room, where your vein specialist will discuss the ClariVein procedure with you. They will clean the area near the diseased vein with alcohol — some specialists may also inject a small amount of local anesthetic near the affected vein. You may feel a burning or stinging sensation, but this should go away after a few minutes. Once your skin is completely numb, your vein specialist will make a small incision to insert the catheter. They will use ultrasound to visualize your veins and guide the catheter.

After the catheter reaches the desired location, your vein specialist will turn on the ClariVein device. Most patients report feeling a buzzing sound and sensation, similar to an electric toothbrush. As they slowly pull the catheter down through your vein, the device will also administer the sclerosing agent. Once the catheter is pulled out, your vein specialist will cover the insertion site with a bandage. 

You will then put on compression stockings, which are specially designed socks that apply extra pressure to your feet, ankles, and legs. This pressure encourages blood to flow back up out of your legs and toward your heart. You can walk immediately after the procedure is completed — you will then be moved to a recovery room until you are ready to leave. 

Side Effects of ClariVein

As with any treatment or procedure, there are side effects associated with ClariVein. These tend to be mild and resolve within a few days to one week after treatment. You may experience:

  • Redness or swelling around the catheter insertion site
  • Achiness or discomfort in your legs, which can depend on the size and number of veins treated
  • Slight skin discoloration that looks similar to bruising 
  • Small spider veins that form as blood reroutes from the treated vein to other nearby healthy veins 

After-Treatment Care

After your ClariVein procedure, your vein specialist will have you wear your compression stockings for around one week. This helps prevent leg swelling and encourages blood flow in your legs. You may take them off to shower, but you should wear them the rest of the time. You may also elevate your feet and legs above your heart to prevent swelling as well. 

Try to avoid any strenuous exercises or heavy lifting for at least two weeks after your procedure. These activities put extra pressure on your veins, which may interfere with the healing process. Choose more low-impact activities like walking or yoga to stay active.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Is ClariVein safe?

    Yes, clinical studies show that ClariVein is safe and effective for treating varicose veins. Side effects, when experienced, are typically mild and resolve on their own quickly.

  • What are the possible complications of ClariVein?

    Although rare, ClariVein may cause the formation of blood clots, which can travel throughout your body and become stuck in the deep veins. This can cause deep vein thrombosis, leading to other health complications. ClariVein can also cause skin pigmentation, but it is usually temporary.

  • Will my insurance cover ClariVein?

    Each insurance company is different, and some consider ClariVein to be an “experimental” treatment that may not be covered. To check your plan’s coverage, call your insurance company or speak with one of our patient specialists. They will help answer your insurance questions and work with your company to find a treatment that is covered and addresses your vein health needs.

  • What are the logistics for undergoing ClariVein?

    The ClariVein procedure lasts on average less than 30 minutes. After the area around your vein is sterilized and numbed with a local anesthetic, your doctor will visualize the veins using non-invasive ultrasound technology. The doctor will then create a tiny entry point in the skin and insert a catheter than is much thinner than catheter used for other varicose vein treatments. The technique will be performed with little or no discomfort. ClariVein is not associated with long recovery times or unwanted cosmetic side effects like bruising.

Dr Amit Poonia MD


Your New Jersey Vein Specialist

Dr. Poonia is double board-certified in interventional pain management and anesthesiology.

Dr. Poonia’s philosophy is based on teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration among his patients’ treatment teams. He believes that healthcare providers work

best when they work together to accurately diagnose a patient’s problem, find effective treatments, and provide maximum rehabilitation and quality of life improvements.

Dr. Poonia customizes his treatment plans based on each patient’s unique characteristics. He employs the latest minimally-invasive technologies to enhance comfort during treatment and to speed recovery.



  1. Belramman A, Bootun R, Onida S, et al. ClariVein®, mechanochemical endovenous ablation: Patient selection and perspective. J Vasc Diagn Interv. 2019;7:1-8. doi:10.2147/JVD.S167491.
  2. Lam YL, Toonder IM, Wittens CHA. Clarivein® mechano-chemical ablation an interim analysis of a randomized controlled trial dose-finding study. Phlebology. 2016;31(3):170-176. doi:10.1177/0268355515599692.
  3. Mechanochemical Ablation: Clarivein™. Columbia Vascular Surgery. Accessed January 27, 2023. 
  4. Mechanochemical Venous Ablation for Varicose Veins. Center for Evidence-based Policy Oregon Health & Science University. October 24, 2017. Accessed January 27, 2023. 
  5. Tang TY, Kam JW, Gaunt ME. ClariVein® — Early results from a large single-centre series of mechanochemical endovenous ablation for varicose veins. Phlebology. 2017;32(1):6-12. doi:10.1177/0268355516630154. 
  6. Vun SV, Rashid ST, Blest NC, Spark JI. Lower pain and faster treatment with mechanico-chemical endovenous ablation using ClariVein®. Phlebology. 2015;30(10):688-692. doi:10.1177/0268355514553693.
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