Old Bridge

Vein Doctors in Old Bridge, NJ

Expert Vein Doctors,

Life-Changing Results

Providing state-of-the-art, minimally invasive varicose and spider vein treatments in Old Bridge, New Jersey.

Vein Specialists in Old Bridge

If you’re living in northern New Jersey, you may be wondering which vein specialist near you is best for treating your varicose veins, spider veins, or other vein issues. If you’ve searched “vein doctor near me Old Bridge,” you’ve come to the right place. 

Varicose and Spider Veins Treatment Institute is one of the leading vein clinics in New York and Staten Island, offering exceptional care to meet all your vein health needs. At our vein center in Old Bridge, we treat all vein issues — from bulging leg veins to leg pain, swelling, heaviness, and more.


Cutting-Edge Technology

Dedicated Vein Specialists

Noninvasive Procedures with No Down Time

Why Do I Need Vein Treatment?

Your vein health is an important part of your overall health — your veins ensure that the necessary oxygen and nutrients are carried throughout your body. Your leg veins are constantly working against gravity to carry blood back to your heart. When they become damaged over time due to lifestyle choices or excess weight, it makes their job that much harder. Blood may begin to pool in your feet and legs, causing uncomfortable symptoms. You may notice your legs are cramping more often, swollen, or feeling heavy. Eventually, other health complications can develop that affect your mobility. 

A sign you may need vein treatment is having any of the uncomfortable symptoms listed above. Other reasons to come to our Old Bridge clinic include:

  • New varicose veins or spider veins have appeared
  • Changes in your skin color to brown, red, or purple
  • Newly formed wounds or open sores (ulcers) that are not healing on their own
  • Tight-feeling, shiny, or stretched-out skin
  • Extremely dry, itchy skin that has changed texture

Vein Conditions We Treat

At Varicose and Spider Veins Treatment Institute in Old Bridge, we specialize in treating several vein health conditions. Most vein problems can be traced to a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which develops slowly over time. CVI is responsible for damaging the valves in your leg veins, which work to help blood flow back toward the heart. When they are damaged, blood begins flowing backward, allowing it to pool in your feet and legs. The extra blood puts added pressure on your veins, causing them to swell and bulge.

CVI is often the root cause of many vein problems, including varicose veins and spider veins. You are also at an increased risk for developing these unsightly veins if you stand or sit for long periods of time throughout your day, if you carry excess weight, or if your family members also have them. If you are at an increased risk for CVI and varicose or spider veins, we are here to help!

Our vein specialists are experts in treating several vein health conditions, including:

  • Varicose veins: Have you noticed large, bulging, or twisted veins underneath the skin on your legs? These are known as varicose veins, and they can cause a host of uncomfortable symptoms. Varicose veins form in the large leg veins as a result of pregnancy, CVI, or excess weight. 

  • Spider veins: Spider veins are delicate, spider web-like red or blue dilated veins underneath your skin. Unlike varicose veins, spider veins do not bulge out from underneath the skin. They usually do not cause any symptoms, but they may be a sign of a more serious underlying vein health issue. 

  • Leg swelling: Swollen or puffy legs, feet, and ankles may be a sign of CVI or varicose veins. However, many pregnant women and those with kidney disease or other health conditions that interfere with the body’s fluid balance may also have leg swelling. If rest and elevation do not seem to help your problem, give our office a call. 

  • Leg heaviness: Have your legs felt heavier than usual lately? This may be caused by fluid buildup from faulty vein valves. Leg heaviness may also be a sign of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Our vein specialists can help you find the cause behind your symptoms and create a treatment plan to address them. 

  • Leg cramps: Are you experiencing leg cramps that interfere with your daily life? Do they sometimes wake you up out of sound sleep in the middle of the night? Leg cramps may be a sign of an underlying vein health issue, such as varicose veins. 

  • Venous insufficiency: All of the above-mentioned conditions that we treat can be caused by venous insufficiency. The best way to treat CVI and its complications is to close off or remove the damaged veins.

What To Expect at Your First Visit

At Varicose and Spider Veins Treatment Institute, our board-certified vein specialists bring years of experience as leading vein health experts. Our goal is to help you both look and feel your best after you leave our clinic. At your initial free consultation visit, one of our vein specialists will meet with you to learn more about your symptoms and treatment goals. They will perform a physical examination to look at your legs and feet and learn more about your overall health. Your vein specialist may also use imaging systems such as ultrasound to take a closer look at your veins and valves to find the root cause of your symptoms. 

After your exam is complete, your vein specialist will then develop a custom treatment plan designed specifically for your treatment goals. Whether you are looking for symptom relief from venous insufficiency or you would like to clear away unsightly varicose or spider veins, we are here to help. 

One of our patient specialists will also go over your insurance plan to verify your coverage and create a cost estimate. We work with several insurance companies to ensure our patients can access the care they need. Many insurance companies will cover some or all associated costs for medically necessary procedures. 

Our Vein Treatments in Old Bridge

Our top-rated vein specialists are trained in the latest minimally invasive cutting-edge techniques and technologies, which are designed to treat your vein problems and get you back on your feet sooner. All of our treatments have been extensively studied for their safety and efficacy. 

At our Old Bridge clinic, we offer pain-free, minimally invasive techniques that require little downtime for healing. If you live or work nearby, we are typically able to treat you in an hour or less, letting you get back to your busy day. After your procedure, you will be walking immediately and you should be healed in just a few days. 

Your vein specialist will choose the best treatment option for your vein health and cosmetic goals. We offer several treatments, each using a different method for closing off or removing problem veins. 

Foam Sclerotherapy

The preferred treatment for small spider veins is foam sclerotherapy, which uses a specialized chemical foam injected into problem veins. The foam contains a sclerosing agent or sclerosant that irritates the veins, causing them to collapse and cut off blood flow. Your skin should clear noticeably within a few weeks. Studies show that foam sclerotherapy is nearly 100 percent effective at clearing away spider veins when it is performed properly. 


ClariVein® is an FDA-approved treatment for spider veins and small varicose veins that combines two methods — foam sclerotherapy and mechanical destruction of the problem vein. It uses a long, thin catheter with a rotating tip attached to the end that is inserted into the leg vein. The tip spins, creating scar tissue along the vein lining. At the same time, the catheter releases a chemical foam with a sclerosing agent to irritate the vein. Both techniques cause the vein to collapse, cutting off blood flow. 

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

Heat is a powerful tool used to treat varicose veins, especially those that occur in large, deep leg veins. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a technique that creates heat with radio waves to close off leaky veins. At Varicose and Spider Veins Treatment Institute, we use the ClosureFAST system, which has been shown in studies to produce lasting results. 


Damaged, leaky veins can also be closed off using medical-grade adhesive. VenaSeal™ is an FDA-approved varicose vein treatment that does not use harsh chemicals, heat, or lasers to close off veins. It is one of the more gentle treatment methods we offer that is associated with fewer side effects. Studies also show that five years after treatment, 75 percent of people still experience symptom improvement, and 90 percent of them would choose VenaSeal treatment again. 


While the preferred method for treating varicose veins is to close them off, some cases may require the veins to be removed entirely. Our vein specialists may choose to perform a phlebectomy or microphlebectomy to remove problem veins. During a phlebectomy, your vein specialist will create tiny punctures near the vein and use a specialized instrument to remove them. You may need a phlebectomy as a follow-up treatment after RFA or sclerotherapy. 


Doctors developed Varithena™ with a specially formulated chemical foam to trigger your body’s blood clotting process. Known as polidocanol endovenous microfoam (PEM), this highly concentrated foam delivers great results compared to traditional foam sclerotherapy methods. Varithena is a staple in the spider vein treatment industry, ideal for quickly clearing away spider veins. 

Book Your Complimentary Vein Screening Today

Ready to love your legs again? Let’s get started. 

At Varicose and Spider Veins Treatment Institute, our vein specialists are leading experts in treating varicose veins, spider veins, and other vein problems. No matter your vein health issue, we are ready to help you look and feel your best! 

We’re always taking new patients! Book your complimentary vein screening today at our state-of-the-art Old Bridge clinic today. 

Fill out our online form here, or call
201-474-3338 to speak with one of our patient specialists today.

Dr Amit Poonia MD


Your Vein Specialist

Dr. Poonia is double board-certified in interventional pain management and anesthesiology.

Dr. Poonia’s philosophy is based on teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration among his patients’ treatment teams. He believes that healthcare providers work

best when they work together to accurately diagnose a patient’s problem, find effective treatments, and provide maximum rehabilitation and quality of life improvements.

Dr. Poonia customizes his treatment plans based on each patient’s unique characteristics. He employs the latest minimally-invasive technologies to enhance comfort during treatment and to speed recovery.

  • What kind of doctor treats poor circulation in the legs?

    A vein specialist is the best doctor for treating poor circulation in the legs. They are board-certified vascular specialists who understand how to treat vein health issues to get the best results possible. 

  • Is it worth getting your varicose veins done?

    Many people feel that varicose vein treatment is worth it because it improved their symptoms, helping them live a pain-free life. Others seek treatment to help them feel confident in their own skin again.

  • What is the best vein clinic in East Brunswick?

    Varicose and Spider Veins Treatment Institute is one of the best vein clinics in East Brunswick. Our vein specialists are some of the leading experts in the field — combined with our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge treatments, we offer unrivaled care in New Jersey and Staten Island. 

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